What is the SIG working on?
How may I participate in a workstream?

Start with the broad questions below and identify what you want to focus your energy on.

Whenever you’re ready, you can join the Discord community and introduce yourself in the #say-hi channel. This helps us as a community celebrate your presence, as well as connect you to projects and conversations aligned with your interests!

  • The GAME DESIGN PATTERNS workstream is focused on building resources that help us understand how to build climate conscious games and interactive experiences that can have a measurable impact.

    • Join this workstream if: you’re looking to co-create and use design frameworks, design practices, and examples that can help developers and players envision what’s possible in the real world.

    • As of 12/2021, we need help with:

      • conducting developer outreach for our climate games database;

      • receiving critical game developer and climate activist feedback on our developer resources for an “alpha” release; and

      • finding great partners for our 2022 pilot programs, which will be focused on establishing the usability, relevance, and impact of each resource!

  • The INDUSTRY BENCHMARKING workstream is focused on aggregating tools, resources, and best practices for carbon calculation, emissions reduction, and green coding.

    • Join this workstream if: you want to help make carbon calculation and energy efficiency methods and tools feel less complicated, more navigable, and easier to implement in the game development process.

    • As of 12/2021, we need help with: continued collection and review of tools, articles, and research from a game developer lens. We’d also love help with the concept of “green coding” (i.e. what does it really mean, and how can we make it more tangible?)

  • The CLIMATE COUNCIL ADVOCACY workstream is focused on creating an accessible community of practice - gathering best practices, strategic talking points, and case studies for driving climate action at our places of work.

    • Join this workstream if: you want to help each other avoid feelings of isolation and burnout when taking on the difficult task of advocating for new sustainability and climate resiliency projects alongside our day-to-day jobs.

    • As of 12/2021, we need help with: continuing to identify, collect, and share insights about what works, what doesn’t, and what we as an industry need to make this easier. This involves participating in the Discord community, as well as developer-focused broadcasts, events, and outreach (bonus points: this helps the Climate Games Database too!).

  • ABSOLUTELY! In the face of existential crisis, sometimes what we (as humans) need most is a safe place to process and not feel alone. Joining and posting in our Discord community is one of the best things you can do.

    • This does NOT have to mean participating in complex, time-intensive discussions that require a lot of brain space. You’ll often find that sharing a random story, posting funny gif, or even venting about something frustrating goes a long way towards helping others feel like they can give themselves permission to do the same. This type of care makes tackling big challenges feel less painful or isolating.

    Seriously - community care is BIG. By continuing to build a strong community that demonstrates what we want to see and feel in the world, we are also directly re-defining our industry’s culture of competition and burnout. This helps each of us find a path to climate action that makes sense for us and is on the terms we want to set.

IMPORTANT: To see community resources still in ACTIVE development, you will need to OPT IN and request access to our SIG Google Group. This ensures that we keep the hard work of our community safe and secure before they are ready for full public release. Thank you for your kindness!

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This is awesome!

But… a lot. I still don’t really know where to jump in.

Have a general understanding, but don’t feel comfortable pinging a Discord workstream channel yet? That’s OKAY! The cognitive load is very real - and this feeling is completely reasonable.

If you want a live walkthrough / Q&A: grab a Onboarding/Support timeslot on the SIG community calendar! Ping @SIG Crew on Discord if the default timeslots are not ideal.

Curious about our 2022 community strategy meeting, and what we’re doing this year? Join the Discord community and let us know!


Image Source: Alba: A Wildlife Adventure by Ustwo Games